Drive Sustainable!

Drive Sustainable!
Our club members drive all kinds of EVs (Teslas, BMWs, Jaguars, Leafs, Bolts, Fords, Audis, electric bikes...)

Friday, July 21, 2023

EVs needed in Pueblo, August 5, 2023!

 Hello everyone,

I hope you're doing well!

I wanted to reach out about an important event we're supporting with Black Hills Energy at Pueblo Community College on August 5th from 12-6pm. We're hosting the EV Expo and would love if you could bring your EV(s) and/or e-bikes to showcase and chat with others about driving electric. We are not asking you to provide your personal vehicle for a ride and drive and this expo is separate from the ride and drive. 

Please invite other EV friends/family and your EV clubs to showcase as well - we have lots of space and are trying to get as many EVs here as possible! 

Please let me know as soon as possible if you're able to attend (or not). Sign up here. 

Thank you and if you have any questions, please reach out. 

Julia Davila

Lead, Drive Electric Colorado 


Thursday, July 13, 2023

Our first Wink!

Our latest EV club member is Bud Baker. He has a 2023 Wink Solar Sprout. Bud has never charged his Sprout as the rooftop solar panel keeps it charged. Make him welcome as one of the rare LSV (low speed vehicle) club members!

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Kansas excitement in Palco!

 Need something to do this weekend? Go to back-to-back car shows in Kansas! Visit our events page for details.