Drive Sustainable!

Drive Sustainable!
Our club members drive all kinds of EVs (Teslas, BMWs, Jaguars, Leafs, Bolts, Fords, Audis, electric bikes...)

EV Trip Data

This is where we'll publish travel data when using an electric vehicle. This information helps EV owners predict energy usage on trips. Thanks to Mark Holzrichter for his information on a trip to the West Coast.

From To (Charge Stop) EV Trip Planner Actual Actual RM
Miles RM* Miles RM*
Home Trinadad, CO 154 177 158 160 0.88
Trinadad, CO Las Vegas, CO 125 158 116 161 1.10
Las Vegas, CO Albuquerque, NM 120 152 120 142 0.93
Albuquerque, NM Gallup, NM 145 187 148 181 0.95
Gallup, NM Holbrook, AZ 88 102 ? ? -
Holbrook, AZ Flagstaff, AZ 93 124 96 129 1.01
Flagstaff, AZ Mayer, AZ 78 79 78 67 0.84
Mayer, AZ Phoenix, AZ 91 96 92 74 0.76
Phoenix, AZ Gila Bend, AZ 69 77 ? ? -
Gila Bend, AZ Yuma, AZ 116 162 117 140 0.86
Yuma, AZ El Centro, CA 57 76 59 67 0.86
El Centro, CA San Diego, CA 123 166 127 153 0.90
San Diego, CA Rancho Cucamonga, CA 103 139 113 119 0.78
Rancho Cucamonga, CA Barstow, CA 65 93 66 75 0.79
Barstow, CA Primm, NV 118 162 120 140 0.85
Primm, NV Las Vegas, NV 44 54 44 46 0.86
Las Vegas, NV St. George, UT 121 171 123 148 0.85
St. George, UT Springdale, UT 40 48 41 45 0.92
Springdale, UT Beaver, UT 107 147 112 177 1.15
Beaver, UT Richfield, UT 64 78 64 91 1.17
Richfield, UT Green River, UT 123 148 125 156 1.04
Green River, UT Moab, UT 51 60 52 56 0.91
Moab, UT Grand Junction, CO 109 141 111 131 0.91
Grand Junction, CO Glenwood Springs, CO 90 119 94 120 0.97
Glenwood Springs, CO Eagle, CO** 35 44 36 47 1.04
Eagle, CO** Silverthorne, CO 60 80 61 80 0.98
Silverthorne, CO Home 127 134 138 128 0.88
EV Trip Planner settings: Model S70, 19" wheels, 32F out, 70F in, 1.1 speed.
Each bold location represents an overnight stay.
Missing data represented by ? or -
*RM = Battery capacity in Rated Miles (300kWH/Mile).
**Each line represents a charge stop except no charge in Eagle, CO.
Average: 0.93

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