Drive Sustainable!

Drive Sustainable!
Our club members drive all kinds of EVs (Teslas, BMWs, Jaguars, Leafs, Bolts, Fords, Audis, electric bikes...)

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Battery powered ATVs coming to America

 I've been following these products for quite a while, and it looks like they're making models for the USA market!

-Wilson Hitchings

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

New member Mark Salopek

Please welcome Mark Salopek to our club, he has a reservation for a 2-motor Tesla Cybertruck, and also plans to purchase a Tesla Model Y once the new factory in Austin, TX is complete (provided the new design includes the 4680 cells, the dual front and rear mega-castings, and the new paint process).

Thursday, January 14, 2021

New member Jason Ragon

Please welcome Jason Ragon to our group, he has a 2020 chevy bolt LT and lives in Colorado Springs. Make him welcome!

Monday, January 4, 2021

Welcome Alex Vieira

Please welcome Alex who lives in Colorado Springs, CO and has a 2014 Nissan Leaf SL and a 2020 Kia Niro EV. Glad to have you, Alex!

Friday, January 1, 2021

PPHC Electrification Efforts for 2021

 From our club member Chris Lennon:


Hi Wilson:

I hope the holidays have been good for you.

 We are moving full steam ahead with our EV effort for Pikes Peak. We got a new eight-motor powertrain into the car a couple of weeks ago, and did an initial shakedown. It was extremely fast, and we are pleased. We are planning our first full on-track test this Saturday, at La Junta Raceway.

 I wanted to invite you down to the test if you were interested, and also wanted to see if you had any suggestions of natural matches in terms of sponsorship of our effort, now that the time has come to commit to the race (in every sense, including financially). As you can imagine, we can use all the help we can get, and over the years, have found that there’s no replacement for personal connections/intros for getting sponsors excited about getting on board. We are connected in with the CREA (Colorado Rural Electric Association), which is a good local tie-in. If there are folks in the EV community who might get excited about this, and be interested in individual or company-based sponsorships, I’d love to invite them down to this and/or future tests!
