Drive Sustainable!

Drive Sustainable!
Our club members drive all kinds of EVs (Teslas, BMWs, Jaguars, Leafs, Bolts, Fords, Audis, electric bikes...)

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Interesting YouTube video from a Leaf owner

I follow ("subscribe") to a YouTube channel by Ian Sampson. He lives in the UK and has owned a Nissan Leaf for a year or two, one of the early adopters. I find his experience with his Leaf in the UK quite interesting...he's driven his battery dry, arrived home with "- - -" on the battery gauge, hauled large packages in it and absolutely loves it. Regardless of your brand preference for an electric vehicle, I recommend his videos for a real-world peek into EV ownership.

As an example, Ian just published a new video, Episode 89, of his low-battery experience and his test drive of a new UK owner's Tesla 70D with autopilot. 

Due to a poor choice of blog designs, I am unable to publish the direct link to Ian's video because our blog software will not reference an "https://" link when you've purchased your own domain name as we have. I recommend our group dismiss our blog administrator with a generous severance package.

If you'd like to see Ian's video, please go to YouTube and search on "Episode 89 - Nissan Leaf Owner" or search on Ian Sampson and look for Episode 89. 

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