Drive Sustainable!

Drive Sustainable!
Our club members drive all kinds of EVs (Teslas, BMWs, Jaguars, Leafs, Bolts, Fords, Audis, electric bikes...)

Friday, September 30, 2016

Short notice EV opportunity from Mark Rantal

Mark Rantal here, Tesla-loving friend of Andrew Soeldner. 

Would any members be interested in showing off their future-mobiles, and talking with a science savvy crowd?
The Show is at the Space Foundation Discovery Center, 4425 Arrowswest Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80907

Doors open at 6:30, show at 7:30. If you'd like to show off your machine, plan to arrive around 6. 

Call me at 719-321-0070 to RSVP, and I'll get their name on the list for a ticket!

Thanks again, hopefully we can see ya tonight!

 EMAIL: Mark Rantal

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